Tailor-made Precision Medicine For Cancer
The key to precision medicine starts with the gene panel selection for performing the tests. Until recently, the gene panels that were used for genetic testing in India are based on data from the caucasian population, which does not provide the most accurate results in the Indian population. TARGT Indiegene is India’s largest and first population-specific tumor gene panel derived from whole-exome sequencing (WES)/whole-transcriptome sequencing (WTS) data over 1,500 cancer patients across 28 different cancer types and 88 subtypes, provides high sensitivity and specificity for low-frequency somatic variants, including 1212 unique genes including Single Nucleotide Variants (SNVs), Insertions/Deletions (InDels), Copy Number Alterations (CNAs), and gene fusions identified across all cancers in the present cohort. TARGT Indiegene also detects predictive biomarkers for immunotherapy, including Tumor Mutational Burden (TMB) and Micro-Satellite Instability (MSI) in tumor DNA. This provides end-to-end information that helps accurate decision-making in response to immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs).