Clinical Case Studies

Role of CGP in overcoming the roadblocks in Cancer treatment
The case study emphasizes the importance of CGP based on the biomarkers identified in the tumor in turn personalizing the cancer treatment to the patient.

Exploring BRCA beyond what we know
This case demonstrates the importance of genetic testing in individuals presenting with non-classical syndrome like history.

Rare oncogenic fusion CD74-NRG1 detection in lung cancer patient
This case demonstrates the value of CGP in NSCLC patients who do not harbour any well-known driver mutations in genes such as EGFR, KRAS, ALK, ROS1, RET, MET, and NTRK, instead harbour other targetable alterations that would potentially benefit the patient.

Role of CGP to identify new options beyond the standard of care in recurrent cancers in progression
The case study on Leiomyosarcoma reveals CGP's ability to discover potential treatment options for progressive cancers that are recurrent.

Role Of Tumor DNA Profiling For EGFR Mutation Status At Baseline In Lung Cancer When Liquid Biopsy Fails!!
This is a case which is unique in terms of how liquid biopsy could fail sometimes and tissue remains the gold standard for EGFR mutation status assessment.

Role of CGP during relapse or disease progression in GIST
This is a case which demonstrates the benefits of Comprehensive genome profiling by NGS in identifying biomarkers for therapy resistance in GIST. Providing therapies to GIST patients with KIT mutations once they have progressed on first and second lines of treatment and understanding the underlying mechanisms of resistance.

Novel ESR1 gene fusion detected through the CGP as a probable mechanism of resistance to endocrine therapy
This is a case where Genetic testing was chosen by the consulting physician to determine potential therapeutic alternatives and the underlying cause of endocrine therapy resistance.