Precision medicine – the most modern management of cancer in India
There have been significant advancements in technology and availability of genomics testing, which has led to a new innovative approach to medicine, called “Precision Medicine”.
In India, non-communicable diseases account for 63% of deaths every year. Of this, 9% of death are contributed by cancer. Cancer still remains a misunderstood disease that strikes fear in all. The pandemic has not been kind to cancer patients in India, adding to their already-existing limitations. This has brought about significant pressure on the families that care for these patients. The National Cancer Registry Programme, India, 2020 showcased that there will be a 12% increase in cancer cases in India by 2025. The report also revealed that the most common cancers in men were associated with the lung, mouth, stomach, and oesophagus, whereas the most common cancers in women were associated with the breast and cervix uteri.
It was also seen that tobacco-related cancers were estimated to contribute to 27.1% of the total cancer burden, followed by gastrointestinal tract cancers and breast cancer. With the lockdowns and the second wave receding, it’s essential to continue with the regular follow-ups and treatment that has been planned for the patient.